NHU’s Approach to Enlightenment in Academics
Academics The purpose of life is enlightenment. ~SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam Enlightenment means having the ultimate truth, the most powerful ultimate truth as our operating inner
Academics The purpose of life is enlightenment. ~SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam Enlightenment means having the ultimate truth, the most powerful ultimate truth as our operating inner
The Nityananda Hindu University is a California religious institution founded as the Nityananda Yoga & Meditation University dba Nityananda Meditation University in 2007 to propound
The purposes for which the institute is organized are exclusively religious, spiritual, charitable, scientific, literary, and educational. Specifically, the purposes for which the corporation is
Today Nithyananda Hindu University is the Largest Hindu University in the world. It remains committed to bringing the best of the world’s oldest spiritual tradition,
Nithyananda Hindu University (NHU) was established by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Gurumahasannisadham Bhagwan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam to spread the