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Harnessing the Supernatural: Deep Dive into Teleportation and Materialization

Revelations from the Avatar

Teleportation involves dismantling an object using an energy that is deeper than the mind, transporting it through the air, and assembling it again.

The most significant phenomenon that happens during teleportation is not the size or material of the object, or the distance to which it is teleported.

It is this: the whole space vibrates in the same frequency in which the teleportation happens.

If A is the teleporter, B is the teleported object and C is the space where it happens, B & C need to vibrate in the same frequency in the same frequency as A. For example, when teleportation happens in your hand or in your presence, your very mind and body raise their frequency to receive it.

The object being teleported itself does not matter much. It may be just a little vibhuti (sacred ash) or kumkum (vermilion), or it may be a diamond, or it may be a sacred rudraksha bead, or it may be a pebble. But the vibration of the teleportation is something extraordinary. That is the benefit for humanity.

You are sitting in the Cosmic womb

Dismantling and assembling can happen only in the hiranyagarbha – the Cosmic Mother’s womb where all Creation happens. So when I do the dismantling, assembling, teleporting, or materialization, this whole area becomes the hiranyagarbha – the intense presence of Jagatjanani, Mother of the Universe, the Divine feminine consciousness.

So when you sit inside the Mother’s womb, your body and mind also directly go through a great transformation, an amazing transformation; it is like you are reborn!

The siddhi of teleportation is described in depth in Vibhuti Pada of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.

tato manojavitvaṃ vikaraṇabhāvaḥ pradhānajayaśca (3.49)

This results in the instantaneous grasp without the use of the body, and complete mastery over the material world.

Tanmatra – Raising your Frequency

The key concept you need to understand here is that of tanmatra – the ability to raise or lower your frequency.

Please understand, if I am now teleporting akshata (consecrated rice grains), the material’s very frequency gets raised to a subtle level. In that space, on the subtle level, it can just fly – it can just disappear and appear somewhere else without any time gap. It just gets assembled there. But your body, at the point where it is receiving the rice, should also rise to that subtle level for a moment, receive the rice, and come back to the normal plane.

For that, you need to continue to remain as a pure channel. Sometimes the akshata that disappears to reach somebody’s hand ends up going to somebody else’s hand! Because the person who was supposed to receive is not ready, but somebody else is ready, it happens in that person’s hand instead.

I received a few emails from some overseas devotees saying, ‘Vibhuti is not coming to my Satsang center’, ‘Rudraksha is not

coming in my Guru padukas’, etc. This means the possibility of raising yourself to the highest frequency is not being allowed in you by you. That is what I call changing the tanmatra – allowing your frequencies to be floating high and low as required; the ability to flow into any frequency. It is a very important truth. Anybody who wants to be a yogi should understand this concept of tanmatra.

When you are levitating, you are going back to your tanmatra level (subtle level), and your tanmatra is getting purified. Each organ goes to the subtlest level tanmatra level, and all the samsakras there get dissolved. That is why many of your diseases disappear after levitation, or after you start receiving teleported objects.

Your muscle memory is being altered

But you need to know one thing: when you sit in such an energy field, whether you receive any teleported object or not, the information teleportation anyway happens to you! Information teleportation is also a great process.

So when you are in my presence and I am teleporting or materializing objects, you may not receive kumkum or vibhuti, but you will receive the information that I am teleporting simultaneously, relating to enlightenment, health, etc.

Listen: your body is nothing but a computer. It can just be programmed with any software. The same with my body. Even to do this teleportation, I just heat up the body and program it, that’s all! When the heat is felt, the programming is done. I just say, ‘Let the kumkum happen now!’

So if you sat in the presence for half an hour, even if you have not received a rudraksha in your hand, understand that you have received all this information I am sharing in your muscle memory, like being painless, joyful, blissful, healthy, being creative, enjoying your life and alive. There are hundreds of great truths that I don’t express verbally, which get teleported into your system. That is the benefit of teleportation and materialization for humanity!

Scientific Validation of Materialization

The most significant in a series of studies conducted by the research team were the tests done on Poornima (Ma Nithya Mahayogananda), a young entrepreneur, and The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyānanda Paramashivam’s energy channel from Singapore.

On 6th September 2011, three different studies were conducted during a 4-hour session, in which The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyānanda Paramashivam materialized a variety of objects through this individual, including sacred ash and precious stones. The studies were:

1) Whole body baseline CT scan of the subject

Baseline whole-body CT scans proved the absence of any hidden objects in the body and vicinity of the subject.

After the energy transfer from Paramahamsa Nithyananda to the subject, a repeat scan clearly shows the sudden appearance of a radio-opaque foreign body in the oral cavity without any delay or repositioning.

The recording of the spiral CT after materialization revealed the presence of materialized objects both in sections and in 3D format.

2) Simultaneous qEEG of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyānanda Paramashivam and the subject

The QEEG recording of both The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyānanda Paramashivam and the subject done during the process of energy transfer clearly showed ‘Entrainment’ (Synchronicity) in the brain waves of both individuals during the process of materialization, proving that a process of attunement was indeed taking place at the time.

Scan showing the sudden appearance of the foreign body (green-colored stone) in the oral cavity of the individual.
Scan showing the sudden appearance of the foreign body (green-colored stone) in the oral cavity of the individual.
A scan taken a few minutes earlier clearly shows the absence of any such object in the oral cavity.
A scan taken a few minutes earlier clearly shows the absence of any such object in the oral cavity.
Laboratory investigation in progress with a CT scan of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyānanda Paramashivam’s energy channel and simultaneous qEEG (brain-wave) studies of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and the channel to demonstrate entrainment.
Laboratory investigation in progress with a CT scan of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyānanda Paramashivam’s energy channel and simultaneous qEEG (brain-wave) studies of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and the channel to demonstrate entrainment.


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