The Physics of the Cosmos
The whole purpose of science is to get to the bottom of the truth of all that exists and find a common thread that explains everything. In science, the fundamental concept would be called a model, and a perfect model that explains everything is called ‘the Theory of Everything’.
It is always elegant to have a single model or law that explains all the forces of nature. Of course, no model is perfect, and what signifies a good model in physics is:
- It is simple enough, but not any simpler
- It contains very few elements which are arbitrary or adjustable
- It explains all the existing observations
The perfect model would be called the Theory of Everything but is yet to be elucidated. It is important, both in terms of science as well as metaphysics, to understand some basic facts relating to space, time, motion, and energy.
At the very gross level, scientists estimate that there are more than 100 billion galaxies, with each galaxy having more than 10 billion suns. This is just a rough estimate of the size of the universe, which incidentally is not finite because it is constantly expanding in acceleration.
Now, within a galaxy, everything moves. In the universe, all galaxies are in motion. In effect, the earth moves 2500 miles every 2 minutes around the sun, and the sun moves 20,000 miles around the center of our galaxy. Thus, a person or object sitting absolutely motionless on earth is actually in motion all the time.
Early concepts of space were limited to three dimensions (X, Y, and Z axis), on the assumption that any point marked in space would be stationary, and therefore its exact location or speed could be easily mapped out.
Einstein soon realized that nothing was stationary and all readings were based on the location of the observer. At the same time, it was shown that the speed of light is the same, regardless of the frame of reference. Thus, it was understood that time and space are intertwined, as time too is a dimension like space.
Thus, the fourth dimension of time was added (future-past) apart from the usual left-right, front-back, and up-down dimensions of space. This is called Einstein’s theory of special relativity.
Theoretical physics developed further and it was soon realized that space-time is not flat, but is curved. This curvature is due to the presence of mass and energy in space-time, and the effect is known as gravity.
The Forces of Nature
The next phenomena that need to be understood are the forces of Nature. The forces of Nature are divided into four classes:
- Gravity
- Electro-magnetism
- Weak interactions
- Strong interactions
Entanglement is a concept in quantum mechanics related to the particle theory. Particle theory says that all matter is made up of virtually identical particles of four different classes.
- Quarks e.g. protons and neutrons
- Leptons e.g. electrons and its neutrino
The above two are called elementary particles. Particles that are involved in the exchange of energy are called exchange particles, like:
- Photon, related to electromagnetic interaction
- Gluon, related to strong interaction within the nucleus of an atom
- Graviton, related to gravity – the only particle that lacks experimental evidence for its existence
When any two elementary particles come into contact with each other, they get entangled in such a way that, if one were to study one particle for its location or its velocity, one can accurately predict that the second entangled particle has instantaneously developed the same velocity, regardless of its location. The only difference between the two is that if one has an entity called spin in a particular direction, the entangled particle has a spin in exactly the opposite direction (mirroring).
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
One of the paradoxes of quantum physics is called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which asserts that at any given point of observation, either the position or the velocity of a particle can be established, but never both.
An important consequence of this is that there is no such thing as empty space.
Space always has a minimum continuous energy called the vacuum, which is subject to quantum jitters or vacuum fluctuation. That is, particles and fields quivering in and out of existence. This is the principle of spanda, resident in the universal conscious energy, Shiva.
The particles of energy creating the spanda are called virtual particles, and unlike real particles, can only be inferred.
So far, we have considered the standard model of 4 dimensions of space-time. As physics went deeper into the structure of even smaller or the smallest of particles, a mathematical realization took place – Space is not made up of particles, but rather patterns of vibrations that have length, but no height or width. This was called the String Theory.
As theoretical physics progressed, it became apparent that the string theory is consistent only if space has ten dimensions or eleven time–space dimensions. This is now called the M theory, which contains not only vibrating strings, but also points, two- dimensional membranes, three-dimensional structures, and so on, up to 9. In Vedic science, they are called the Dasha Mahavidya (Shakti or Energy) in ten directions, in addition to Kala or Time.
Structured Understanding or Cognition
All understandings, regardless of the nature of the object being studied, fall into the following four categories:
- Perception: All that we can see and measure with our limited senses
- Facts: Going beyond our limited perception using technology or inference to have a better understanding of the nature of the object being studied
- Truth: Understanding the laws of nature within the construct of space-time, with complete logical understanding
- Reality: An experiential understanding of the nature of all objects of the universe, intuitive and therefore not limited by logic.
As modern science continued to push its boundaries, knowledge (jnana) moved from the level of perception to facts and at some points touched aspects of truths. This, however, currently appears to be the limit of what science can understand and explain the Nature of the Cosmos.
Derived from Latin, it means, ‘Knowledge of things together’. In the biological sciences, to be conscious means to be awake, with the capacity to interpret sensory input from the sense organs and motor reactions derived from the interpretations of the sensory input.
Naturally, this would imply the inclusion of thought, emotion, and cognition. Biology follows the laws of physics and chemistry.
Science is searching for a common principle governing all the laws of nature; the same principle would also govern biological systems and consciousness.
When applied to a limited sentient being, this implies that Consciousness is that aspect of biological energy that brings awareness to the existence of all aspects of nature around it.
This has a very wide connotation, way beyond the Western concept of consciousness, which is limited to wakefulness, sensory and motor inputs and outputs, and the ability to interpret the limited input.
Vedic Concept of Consciousness
The Vedic concept of Consciousness has always been experiential and intuitive, using a top-down model for scientific exploration.
Vedic science declares experientially and unequivocally that all aspects of the universe are Consciousness, and matter is simply projected Consciousness.
In Vedic metaphysics, pure Consciousness pervades everything, being potential, with the bursting forth of subtle vibrations (spanda), a characteristic of Shiva, until there is an emergent manifestation of the energy which is called Shakti.
This is strongly akin to the concept of the all-pervasive vibrational string theory with vacuum fluctuation — spanda — of virtual particles (Shiva) and manifestation with real particles (Shakti). This is unlike Western physics and biology, which completely differentiate the conscious energy of a being from the substance of the Cosmos (String or M theory).
The Vedic concept of the actual commonality of Consciousness, be it in the fabric of space-time (Shiva), or the individual being (jiva), is obviously a more elegant and scientific model for the definition of Consciousness.
Eleven Dimensions of Consciousness
A physicist of Indian origin, Amit Goswami, recently published an article in a physics journal showing that entanglement affects people. He had two people meditate together and then separated them into two chambers (one person in each) where they couldn’t see or hear one another. When one person had a light strobed at his eye, it caused the firing of a certain frequency in the brain. Remarkably, at the same moment, the other person’s brain also fired, even though he never saw the light. This proves that the energies of people intuitively affect each other.
(Reference: Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here) by Bruce H. Lipton & Steve Bhaerman )
Vedic Science of Consciousness
Vedic sciences have always maintained that Consciousness is the very substance of space-time and has nothing to do with living or non-living aspects of matter. As humans, we are inextricably bound to the laws of space, time, and other dimensions.
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyānanda Paramashivam has clearly defined the existence of 11 dimensions of Consciousness (space-time). As per His elucidation, Space can exist by itself without anything else. On the other hand, time can exist only in the presence of space, but can still exist without other dimensions including the obvious ones – depth, length, and breadth. For instance, in parallel dimensions (parallel universes in astrophysics), beings that exist in space without time are called Devatas.
In quantum terms, thought too is energy (a packet or quantum of energy). Every cell of our body produces thought in the form of signals, which may be electrical, chemical, or otherwise. These can be measured in TPS (Thoughts Per Second). The normal TPS of the average human being can be hundreds or thousands of thoughts. Some thoughts are processed through the volition of part of the brain, while others are processed unconsciously. Some thoughts that the brain determines as unwarranted noise are not processed, allowing one to pay attention to what is considered a priority at that time.
A TPS of zero is the state of Advaita or Enlightenment. Here the energy of thought (particles) is no longer present. However, based on quantum mechanics, a vacuum state cannot exist, and thus, virtual particles are created to occupy the space of the cell.
As discussed earlier, space is made up of strings of potential energy, which are in constant vibration (spanda) leading to the creation of virtual particles. This is the very basis of the Vedic truth of Consciousness.
During the process of entanglement, our TPS comes down to zero, and the virtual particles of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s no-mind state become our reality.
Deeper Truths about the Eleven Dimensions of Consciousness Revelations from the Avatar
(Below are a few excerpts from a unique Q&A session with The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyānanda Paramashivam. Even a cursory reading of these excerpts will reveal how shockingly different the Reality is from the comfortable everyday world that we perceive.)
Q: Swamiji, would it be correct to visualize the three dimensions of an object (length, breadth, depth) as three axes – like X, Y, and Z axes? And what is the relationship of these physical dimensions to the dimension of Time?
Yes, you are correct. But you think that all these dimensions (length, breadth, depth) are interconnected because you have never perceived any of them separately. But they are separate.
Where the X, Y, and Z axes touch – that is Time. If you just pull out that ‘pin’ of Time, these three lines can be independent wherever you want.
Q. Why are we not able to perceive these dimensions separately, while You can do that?
Your mind keeps jumping so rapidly from one dimension to the other that it creates the illusion that they are interdependent. It is the same as how your eyes perceive the three leaves of a rotating fan as continuous with one another.
For example, when you see the length of this mic before me, you will not remember its depth. When you see the depth of this mic, you will not remember its breadth. It takes only a micro-millisecond to jump from one to the other– but the jumping is still there.
When you jump from depth to breadth, breadth to length, length to space, space to time, time to depth – that is called Time.
Q: Am I right in saying that length and breadth are visual, while depth is physical?
No. All the three dimensions are the same. For the sake of utility, you are giving each a name. I can just call them D1, D2, D3.
Q. Are all three dimensions necessary for our senses to perceive an object?
For you, it is necessary, since that is what you believe.
If I remove any one of these dimensions, you can still see the object, but you will not be able to touch or feel it.
If I remove any two dimensions, you can touch and feel it, but you will not be able to see it.
For example, the length and breadth of this mic can be left here, and the depth alone can be teleported to some other place. Then, if you put your hand here (Paramahamsa Nithyananda moves His hand across the mic), it will cross the mic, but your hand will not be obstructed; it will not hit anything.
But at the other point, to which the depth alone has been teleported, if you put your hand there, you will hit something, but nothing will be seen.
Q: Can you drive an object to another dimension?
Yes, that is what I do during teleportation.
Changing the three dimensions by applying force is mechanical engineering. Changing the three dimensions by dismantling them is teleportation.
When I pull the ‘time’ pin out, the object disappears from your view. When I pull the ‘space’ pinout, it goes to the space I want. Then I put back the ‘space’ pin first, and then the ‘time’ pin – and the object reappears before your eyes at the destination.
(The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Nithyānanda Paramashivam smilingly ends the session, perhaps after witnessing the shocked expressions on the faces of His audience!)